Company Faqs

Solar panels on roof
What are we?

We are a turn-key design build company. With our in-house design team we draft the ideal project for each client. Helios purchases all of the materials, while our staff builds your project by working directly with our in-house installers, and professional engineers to finalize the projects.

Rate of return

The average rate of return is 2-4 years.

Tax incentive

Helios works directly with the client’s CPA and tax attorneys to help capture the maximum tax benefits that the project is eligible for.

The value we bring to rental properties

With many of our clients having real estate assets we understand there are common area costs. We help mitigate this electrical expense to make our clients more revenue.

Our Process

The client will provide us with the property’s electric bill. Helios will then be able to determine an appropriate custom size for the system by analyzing the building’s electrical consumption, and the amount of area available to install the solar panels. Our team will then develop a financial model. After hearing your feedback we will set up a meeting with your CPA to see if this is a viable project. We have financial investors that can help fund the project if you do not want to fund it yourself.